Good Head Space – Vin­yasa Yoga

Kursleiter:in: Mark Goodhead

Wed­nes­day 18:00 and Sun­day 16:00

Über den Kurs

Focu­sed, deep & dyna­mic Yoga clas­ses, taught in English.

Each time on your mat is dif­fe­rent but we’ll always fol­low a core group of stages.
We begin by cal­ming & groun­ding our­sel­ves, fin­ding a strong con­nec­tion with our breath & body.

Then we start to move – slow, con­side­red shifts to wake up & warm up before tran­si­tio­ning through a series of asa­nas (poses) focu­sing on ali­gnment, twists, stret­ches & balances. 

We always finish with a rewar­ding & blissful savasana.

I offer hands-on adjus­t­ments but also encou­rage self explo­ra­tion & expres­sion.
A class can be playful. It can also be chal­len­ging. It’s wha­te­ver you want it to be. Just show up!

It would be useful to have a little bit of yoga experience.

Wed­nes­day – 18:00

75 minu­tes of Vin­yasa Yoga

Sun­day – 16:00

90 minu­tes of Vin­yasa Yoga

GOOD HEAD SPACE class prices…

10€ if it’s your first class
12€ per per­son
€10€ each when you bring a fri­end
€45€ for a 5 Class Pass
€85 for a 10 Class Pass
Urban Sports Club mem­bers M, L and XL are welcome.

Please mes­sage me at [email protected] for a space

Don’t for­get to bring your mat!


Aut­hor Details 

I'm a Vin­yasa / Power Yoga tea­cher based in Leip­zig tea­ching clas­ses in Eng­lish. I've been prac­ti­cing yoga for over a decade now & trai­ned in Lon­don, under Dylan Aya­loo. I offer all-level clas­ses - 60, 75 & 90 minu­tes long. Clas­ses will focus on ali­gnment, breath, core streng­thening & flexibility.

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Etage Leip­zig
Lütz­ner Str.29 Hin­ter­haus
04177 Leip­zig

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